Monday, July 21, 2008

Free Voting Aid Widgets

From: Paul Brown []
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 7:40 AM
To: Rep. Maile Shimabukuro
Subject: Free Voting Aid Widgets, from

Dear Maile S.L.

We are pleased to announce that several FREE Voter Aids are now available to you as a registered user of, the 1-stop civic engagement portal that Delivers Democracy to your Desktop!

More citizens than ever are voting in the 2008 elections, and the StateDemocracy Foundation wants to make this democratic privilege as easy as possible.

That’s why we’re offering the following free Widgets (for any of the 50 States) to download as voter aids for visitors to your own website, blog or social networking site (like MySpace and FaceBook):

Please take advantage of this free offer right NOW -- well before the deadlines that states have for voter registration and absentee ballots -- and also forward this invitation to all your online friends and colleagues.


Paul Brown, Editor

1 comment:

JackFord said...

Hey Paul That is really fantastic !